Due to differences in how everyone casts the same bricks from the same molds may come out to be ever so slightly different. In this case his tiles are slightly smaller than mine and I found that out when I used them under floors and corners. My floor tiles required almost no sanding for the walls to fit, his required sanding. So I'm mixing in a very careful way.
This is 47 corridor sections. I don't even remember how many I need but I'll use up all the casts he sent in making corridors. You'll notice the ones on the right have alternating white and grey tiles. If I took a close up of one of them you'd see that the centers don't align at perfect right angles. Yes, I used geometry to get a square out of them. I really don't see a size difference in the completed sections when I compare them to ones made out of all my tiles. I also haven't pulled out the micrometer since I'm not quite that detailed in this build.
Drying on the boards are 9 full sections and enough 2 tile sections to make 12 more. I guess that means I can make 21 at a time with the space I have. I'll go through the floor tiles he sent in not a lot of time.
I'm hoping to spend time this weekend building and painting. I'm holding off on casting until I'm more certain of what still needs to be done. And I plan on getting the cheap varnish I need so I can finish the ones I've already painted. Time to buy tacky glue so I can attach the foam bases too. I wonder if the weather is going to cooperate for varnishing.
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