Saturday, October 16, 2010

I don't have a problem. Really.

There's no way I'm addicted to porcelain palettes.  Nope.  Just because I have 5 different ones and am looking at another one means nothing.

The latest addition - 11 wells.  Actually it's a little larger than I typically like so I'm probably going to use it more for terrain painting than miniature painting.


[caption id="attachment_408" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="11 well palette - kind of large"][/caption]


That line in the large middle well is just that - a line.  They sell a version that has a divider in that section and it's the one that's tempting me next.  As much as I love my palettes I don't know how useful another one like this one will be.  I might actually restrain myself.