How I Roll

I belong to some online D&D communities. I enjoy them, I learn from them, I contribute to them. I decided to make a place on the blog for more general ramblings about how I work as a GM and how other people could use that in their own games.

This isn't story stuff. This is the magic behind the screen. Literally. I'm behind the screen.

Not every post will be applicable to everyone. Of course not. That's unpossible. It's what I've found works for me and I'm going to try to explain WHY it works for me. That's something with real takeaways even if it's saying it's not something they want to do.

I'll be trying to post regularly with small bits of information that I feel may be helpful. Sharing information is core to role playing (or at least it should be) and the groups I'm in are excellent at helping out and encouraging people, both players and GMs. I'm trying to keep that going.

I'll always use the term GM because what I talk about is system agnostic. I prefer GM anyway because there's so many more games out there now that dungeons don't figure nearly as large as they used to do. So why keep it in the role name? Call yourself what you like. I'm the GM and this is my table.

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