Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'll keep showing progress

Just to keep showing myself I'm making progress I'll keep posting here when I, well, have progress.

153 of the 157 wall segments.  The other 4 are setting up since I attached them to their floor tiles.  So I can consider all the walls built.

Including the 14 corners that are setting up I have 36 of the 52 needed corners.  With the OOP mold I received today that has nothing but the 3/4" bricks I need I'm well on my way to having enough to finish them up.

The 23 basic door frames on their floor tiles.  The last 3 are still setting up which is why they have the spacer bricks in place to keep them true while they set.  I'm still playing with ideas for the tops but I think the option with the point at the top will be the way to go.

I'm redesigning the room tiles since I found out I miscalculated how they needed to be sized.  I could probably salvage some of what I already built but they're not quite as accurate as I would like so remaking them might make me happier and I can give the old ones to my friend making a ruined tower setup.

And yes, there's a lot of painting to be done.  Plus I have to figure out how to store and transport the thing.

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