Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dungeon Bash Doors are Done!!

Yep.   All painted.  They need a coat or two of varnish but that's something I can do as time allows.  I needed the room on my paint table to do the touchups on the dungeon pieces so the doors needed to be done.  It didn't make sense to just move them when they needed to be painted.

Yes, that's a floor tile segment in the upper right.  I started the painting when I had black on the palette.

Up close the doors look just as spiffy.

I went with the "rougher" paint job with the silver to add interest.  Plain smooth silver isn't very interesting in this case.

Remember, these have 2 sides so this paint job is on both.

I did give in and touch up where I got silver on the wood/brown sections.  I might be the only person who would notice it but I'm really the only one who matters in this case.

Onward to painting lots and lots and lots of walls and corners.

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