My sojourn into sewing completed, I hit the paint table again. Well, not literally "hit" because that would have made a mess.
Of course I've had a few delays that put me about 2 hours behind my designated paint schedule over the last 2 days. And guess what, I'm about 2 hours away from completing these guys. Funny that. And I mean complete up to the lining. I always let the figures sit for at least a day after the last paint before I put on the varnish. I like to make sure the paint is completely dry.
3 mancatchers, 3 different eye colors, 3 different beard colors and just for fun 3 slightly different bedroll colors. The bedroll color differences are so slight I really should have just painted them all the same. I'm going to file that away for future reference.
What's left? The highlighting on the grip bands on the polearms, the blades of the polearms, some metallic accents like rivets, and the darklining. Not a lot, not a lot of work, but enough to keep me amused. I don't think we have plans for tomorrow night so Spaghetti willing and the creek don't rise these guys will be painted by the end of Friday night.
I got word that 5 of the 9 minis I sent off to be painted are going to be coming home soon enough that I can use them at ReaperCon as I hoped. I only need 4 in my army so I'm very happy that I'll have enough. The problem is going to be choosing the ones I want to use. Actually, that isn't my problem. I told Mr. Rastl he gets to choose the minis when I have more painted than I need. He said it's just so I can blame him if I lose. He's right.
No gaming this weekend so that gives me large blocks of time when I can paint. Hopefully. I'm sort of scheduled to go to a gem and jewelry show on Sunday but that's looking iffy on my companion's part and I won't be all that disappointed if we don't go. I will miss the used book store we were also going to visit but there's a good chance I need to head up that way with Mr. Rastl for a project I just handed him.
Mr. Rastl and I had a franker-than-normal discussion about my birthday present. Yes, it's coming up. We're at the point in our lives when we really don't need anything and if we want it, we buy it. So presents are difficult. After some thought I said I would really like and use one of the portable light boxes so that I could actually take pictures without a lot of setup. I found one I liked, sent him the link, and I believe he ordered it. Not a lot of surprise there but something that I will truly appreciate and enjoy. Sometimes getting old isn't that bad.
And finally, I handed off a project to Mr. Rastl as noted above. One thing that's really cool when showing miniatures is the 360 degree view, like I did for the exchange piece. That was a lot of work: moving the turntable, taking pictures, editing, making a video file. So I'm asking for a turntable that turns at about 1 revolution per minute, perfectly smooth. I have to send him the details but he's already got ideas.
If anyone can make this, it's Mr. Rastl. Seriously.
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