And so it ends. Not with a bang but with an auction!
I got there late because I'm a big slacker. With a hangover. And no breakfast because I got up late and it seems most fast food places are closed Sundays. Or at least Sunday mornings. Grr. Sonic for breakfast. I had avoided that all convention long by getting up reasonably close to on time and eating the hotel-provided breakfast. Yay waffles in the shape of the state of Texas!
I spent the (rest of the) morning catching up with friends and then I got to play my usual role in the auction. Flit and I display the items currently being auctioned so Heisler can keep things moving. Obviously we alternate. It's great to watch the auction from the front - I can see everything happening.
Note - the auction is for cool fun stuff and only uses the 'money' you earn by taking classes, playing games, etc. So technically whatever you get is free!
It's all over now but the packing.
Sounds like you had a good time. I'm glad to hear it.