Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I can't believe I'm done

I finished painting and lining the last dwarf for my tournament army last night.  And I had enough time to put the basing material on all the other models.  Including time to putty up the holes in the slotta bases.  Wow.

Today I attached and varnished that last fella so tonight I'll be getting his base material in place.  I can prime everyone but him (the glue needs time to set) so they're ready for painting when I get to Texas.

I still can't believe I'm actually done.  Yes, I still have one figure for the larger pickup army and she's been started but I could field her as-is without being less cool but it would be nice to have that one done as well.  I just don't paint to my standards when I'm painting away from home.  I guess I'm too used to my setup.

I will have to paint a familiar (little beastie) for her and I'm thinking of using the tortoise.  Seems appropriate for a dwarf.  That is something I can paint while at ReaperCon since it's a fun little paint job.

The mercenaries aren't even an issue right now since I haven't bought them yet.

So now my plans include creating the cavities in the foam inserts for the carry case, getting all my melt boxed up and shipped down, shopping for those things I have to bring with me (not including the bakery items for my father I have to get on the way to the airport), and making about 37 lists so I don't forget things.  Which I will.  And which is why they have Wal-Mart.

After all this I'm still excited about painting other things.  I didn't burn myself out too badly getting this army done and I credit all my tabletop paint jobs for that.  And Mr. Rastl for just letting me do what I felt I needed to do.  I did try to spend some quality time with him every evening but generally he just sent me off to paint.  He knew that he wouldn't get me back until after my trip.

I am taking my camera with me (of course) but I won't even try to post pictures while I'm down there.  Once the convention kicks in I won't be spending much time at all at the hotel if past years are anything to go by.  Here was last year's schedule:

07:30 - meet for continental breakfast in the hotel lobby
08:30 - gather up folks who are riding with me
09:00 - arrive at convention
23:00 - get kicked out of convention for the day
23:30 - meet up for beers
01:00 - stumble back to my room

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I really feel my age after this convention.

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  1. And now's the part where the little red devil appears on your shoulder, points at your work and says " missed a spot."I'm trying to recall if there are any rules about the convention itself being "dry". Up at 7YW-Con in Indiana, they had libations in the form of wine and scotch right in the convention hall..and much merriment was made by all. But if we can't have a medicinal nip at the Con, we'll just have to take the party elsewhere.Any plans for ..*cough*... such?

  2. At this point I don't care if I see something that's not right, like all those mold lines. They're painted!I don't think there's any libations at the convention itself but there might be a convivial gathering at some point for like minded folks. We'll have to see.

  3. Yeah, there's always that moment of silent joy when that last mini is done, especially when you're rushing to finish the group for a con.

  4. Nah..the "last minute of joy" is when you reach for the spray sealer and grab the spray primer.Yeah..I've seen it happen. Much cursing followed as you might imagine.

  5. And that's why primer is kept on one side of the basement and sealer is kept on the other. I've heard the horror stories.

  6. That's why in my hobby supplies, the spray sealer is always the can with the pistol grip and primer cans always have their appropriately colored caps.
