Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm debating a hobby blog split

I seem to have two entirely separate hobby interests - gaming/terrain/miniatures and sewing/handwork/dolls.  And while they're interesting to me I'm not sure how my few followers feel about mixing them in my posts.

So I've been considering starting another blog with the sewing/handwork/doll stuff since most of my friends here are part of the other hobby.  And of course the personal commentary would stay here since, well, this is where my friends are.

So chime in and let me know if you feel that separating the blogs is a good idea or if you're fine with the variety of things that show up in my blog posts.

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1 comment:

  1. I like the hobby stuff..and you really don't seem to post that much non-hobby stuff...not enough to warrant having to keep up with two blogs. For now you could probably just get by tagging "hobbby" and "personal" stuff for them that want one without the other.
