This is pretty much my main project right now. I've tweaked the army list some more but luckily that didn't remove any figures I already had painted or I probably would have gotten very annoyed at myself.
The bear riders are done. I might put one more highlight on the gold metallic but that's in the 'nice to have' category. I'll have the color out in the next day or so and I'll make my decision then. I did try something new to do black hair and I'd rate it 6 out of 10. It will do for now.
The mancatchers are pretty darn close to done. Faces and hair, the polearms, and a few miscellaneous metallic buckles and such. I had a bit of a mental block less than halfway through but once I got past that things really moved along nicely.
The only remaining multiple figures are the archers and I don't have all of them yet. I need 4, I have 3. So the last one is on order. Since it isn't efficient to paint the other 3 I'll turn my attention to the unique figures that need painting. Given that I'm missing 2 of the 4 uniques (on order) that gives me a very small painting selection. Hopefully the missing figures will show up soon.
Now, why did I tweak my army list again? I realized that I was confusing 2 model types again and I could collapse some of the troops. Letting me use the leader points on other figures. It's a gamble. I have fewer troops so I have fewer opportunities to use them and react to my opponent. On the other hand these are some pretty darn solid troops so they can take a lot of abuse. And once they hit something, it stays hit. With the changes my point level is exactly 1,000, which is the point limit for the tournament. Nary a wasted point.
I'm making the assumption that I'll have the 'special dwarf figures' that other people are painting back in my sweaty little hands so I can use them in the tournament. I need 4 of them and I'm using them as a proxy for the actual figures. So if I have time I'll paint up the actual figures as well. Especially if it looks like I might not get them back in time.
The circumstances haven't been right for me to take pictures of anything. Lighting, time, etc. And the longer I wait the more pictures I have to take, edit, post, etc. It's a vicious cycle.
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