Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sigh .. Undead pirates

Well, after all that the undead pirates are going to be taking a bit of a vacation.  I did find out after I had them painted that they weren't going to be in the first release of Warlord changes and so I need to set them aside and work on factions that are so I can demo the game properly.

I found this out trying to balance my demo armies using the new datacards.  There are no official datacards for this faction so I'm just going to set them aside and wait until they come back.  And of course this is one of the only demo armies I have painted.

I think I'll replace them with Nefsokar (Egyptian) after I get the Reptus (leezards, in honor of the classic Taco Bell ad) painted up.

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  1. Orcs need love too. *sniffles*I know you've got 'em, and I know you can paint 'em up cool.

  2. But the orcs would make me have to dig them out, figure out which ones I actually have, strip the ones that got 'the dip' and then balance the army.But I see your point and will make an effort to do that before I place my order.I think you just want more beefcake for your calendar!

  3. Well..yeah! And who WOULDN'T want MORE beefcakey goodness?
