The playtest beta I did on Friday turned out really well. At least I thought so. Once we got in the swing of the ruleset things moved along quickly so there was a sense of action happening.
By the time we had played 2 full games the 40K players were on their second turn. 'Nuff said.
However this means I really need to get 2 more armies ready. I can pull one out of my personal dwarf army but no matter what I need another demo army painted up.
I decided on another 'cool' army and pulled out the Reptus so I could start prepping them. Unfortunately it means pinning some of the bits so they stay attached and I've gotten rather lazy about pinning. I'll get back into the swing of it soon enough.
There was a brief debate about color since I didn't want to use the standard green or orange people tend to use. Mr. Rastl looked over the color chart and said he liked the red violet colors. I agree, they're quite different. So those are the colors. The absolute complimentary set to that color has been discontinued and I'm debating about whether I should just use it since this is a demo army or if I should go with colors that are still current. I won't know that one until I start slapping paint.
I'm finally making plans to paint with the Illinois crew (IMMPS) so I do need something to paint. It's either going to be the monster from this army or a set of army figures. If I'm looking for something that can be mostly and/or completely painted in an evening I'll have to lean towards the army figures. After I get a certain amount of paint on a figure I don't like transporting it since I always tend to rub off paint when I do that. Hence my preference for doing 'real' painting at home.
And on one final note. I was hoping to take a bunch of pics today using the new light tent Mr. Rastl got me for my birthday but time got away from me and there was so little left that I spent the time taking mold lines off the Reptus monster and dry fitting him to get an idea of the work involved. He's all cleaned up and goes together surprisingly well. I don't think I'll need to fill any gaps. Very good quality there.