Looks like I have all the wall segments assembled but not attached to floors, since I'm now limited by the number of floor tiles that I have at the moment. I'm casting quickly but I'm still not nearly close enough. My friend is still casting for me and between the two of us I'll get to the number of tiles needed in good time.
I only have 2 more doors to make, which means 4 casts and then that mold can be taken out of the rotation. I was only casting the door and a finial for future use.
I'm finished casting the A&K floor tiles since I've built the floors I'm going to build with them. At least I think I am. I have 3 of the 6 small room floors built from them and I may make 1 of the large room floors with some of them but I have enough cast for that. I haven't matched them up as well as I would have liked but they're more than good enough for this game board.
But I digress. You wanted to see pictures!
Sorry - I just have the one. But you can see the solid block of wall segments and it is solid. Tucked next to them on the right are the completely finished wall segments. They're on their floor tiles and have been sanded (as needed) to be flush. Seems like the new walls fit better for some reason. The last dozen I assembled don't seem like they're going to need sanding. I like that.
I'm not worried about putting the corner sections on floor tiles just yet. There's so many more walls than corners I'm working on getting those done faster. I'll take a break and assemble corners when I get an influx of floor tiles.
Good planning means that I can assemble the floor tiles in pairs since everything is built off of those components. So lots of making two tile segments but they're easy and should make for consistent larger builds.
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