Setting goals really makes things annoying. Once those goals get written down somewhere then there's some pressure to actually get things done. And when you write them on a public forum (err, or blog) then there's even more pressure. But then again, I am getting things done. So maybe it's not all bad?
My Crusader army is two steps closer to being complete. The bases have their rubble painted up and the bases are sealed. Last two steps - adding the snow and then the final coat of varnish to keep everything in place. I didn't make my January goal of getting them completed but they were painted by the end of the month. That's something, right?
I've been working diligently on my long overdue trade pieces. Those are the Hirst Arts arena terrain pieces I've mentioned a couple of times and shown in very bad pictures. I've got a lot more of them painted and a goodly number waiting for paint. And then there's the ones in various states of construction.
I'm going to digress onto construction here for a moment. Most of these pieces were made prior to my decision to slow the heck down and not try to make things as fast as possible. So they're not quite as neatly constructed as I would have liked. A pillar set was so misaligned that I just put it aside and started assembling a new one. I can use the old one myself but not as a piece for someone else. Luckily the rest of the current pieces don't have those kind of glaring errors. The new ones are being built with much more care and attention to detail. It takes longer, especially since my dedicated building area isn't available right now, but I think I'll be much happier with the results.
I'm hoping, really hoping, to get some pictures posted up this week. There's enough arena pieces to make things interesting and even without the snow the Crusaders will work well as models to show scale as well as help the composition be more dynamic. The only problem is that I don't have floors made up so the pictures won't be as inclusive as I would like. But those will be better than no pictures, I'm guessing.
Side note. I'm rather trapped at home since we're down to one vehicle again. Mr. Rastl was involved in what turned out to be a minor accident due to his excellent defensive driving skills. Had he been less skilled, the accident would probably have been very, very bad. So the truck is in the body shop having the entire passenger side fixed up, leaving me home while he takes the car. I can work from home so that's not really an issue and since he tends to get home later I have even more time to work on this stuff.
I'm glad he's safe.