Or, more to the point, is Rastl still working?
Sure, I'm going to use that as my excuse for not posting anything.
The Crusader demo army is done. Fini. Complete. All ready to go slaughter something.
The Hirst Arts pieces are coming along nicely. Of course, I need to cast more bricks to complete the main set much less the cool extra piece. But that's not such a big deal. I need more bricks anyway. And yes, I've slowed down and am making them to a higher standard. It means that it takes longer (of course) but I'm not nearly as frustrated as when I rush along and find all the problems when I'm painting. By the way, paint covers a whole lot of issues. Kind of like ivy.
As you can tell, no pictures. I just haven't been able to set up anything to get good lighting. That's what is keeping me from doing this. And yes, I know all about light boxes and other equipment. The problem is space here, not equipment. I'm hoping that if the craft room gets organized and some more shelves put in place I can have a spot to put a light box and use when needed. Hope, mind you.
The truck is back from the shop and looking sharp. There's a lingering odor of paint when you get into the cab but overall it's not a bad thing. I'm hoping that it fades out rather soon tho. I'm not sure it's good for the ol' brain cells.
Right now I'm working on a few miscellaneous minis to get them to their respective destinations and/or off the unpainted shelf. That's why I pushed back the next demo army until next month. I knew I would have more than enough to fill this month without setting myself up for failure by trying to work on that too.
Oh. I showed restraint. Yes, honestly. One of my favorite online gaming stores is having a clearance sale on Mega Minis. And I so wanted a few things for something that's been in progress for a while. I even had them in my shopping cart until I really sat back and thought about it. I ended up removing them. I did want them and I even had a use for them but it was a single, specific use. So rather than clutter up the place with more minis that gather dust I gave in to my practical side. But if anyone is feeling generous - the cows, the pigs and the rabbit swarm. Really.
And I don't think I mentioned this one yet. I'm going to be running some games and teaching a terrain painting workshop at Who's Yer Con in March. So I'm still trying to design the terrain piece that people will be detailing so they have something to take home. I've had a few ideas but nothing really jumps out. And no matter what, more casting will be involved. Of course.
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