Gotcha! I have been.
All the figures for the Crusaders army are painted. Well, the monster has just a couple of little touchups to be done from when I cut off the integral base (giving myself a blister, I might add) and I only saw them when I was painting his new base. That's not bad and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes, including time for the paint to dry.
I also was able to finish up one of the Mega Miniature figures I had partially done. I like having a few of those handy so I can test color schemes as well as use up paint on the palette. This one was 99% done but I was stumped on what color to paint a final detail. My online painting friends helped me out, as usual.
I was also going to try doing some freehand design work on her dress. I put down the first line and realized it wasn't going to happen. I painted over that. Now she's just going to dry overnight and I can varnish her tomorrow and call her done too.
My goal this month was to finish painting up the Crusaders. Technically I met that goal but they don't have their scenic bases done. I'm going to hold off on my next big project so I can finish those, paint a couple of figures that have been in queue for a while, and generally get caught up. The next army is already ready for painting so once it comes time I can get right on it.
The terrain painting is also getting done. I have a few more of the arena pieces done and I did some pre-painting on pieces so I can assemble them without really futzy paint work. Actually I had to do these pieces in this order. They have gates that are far more fragile than you would believe when those gates are cast out of plaster and not resin. So I glued them to clear plastic backing and now they're nice and sturdy. So I had to paint them before gluing them to the plastic or it wouldn't have been clear plastic any more. Make sense?
Next up, building more terrain; painting some figures that need to be done; casting more bricks to make more terrain.
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