Saturday, January 10, 2009

Crusader progress!

The archers are about 3/4 finished.  That's a good thing.  I made darn good progress tonight once I got past a mental block of "what is that and how do I paint it?" on one part.

The next session should finish up those archers.

I also did put some paint on the sergeant since I had the skin color out and he might as well have the same one as the others.  His face is the only skin visible so it made sense.  That's a fiddly bit and now it's out of the way.  Yay!

I'm well on track for having all these figures painted by the end of the month.  The only thing that might slow me down is if I do a work-in-progress of the Guardian Beast (aka Doom Kitty) because stopping to take pictures at every step adds quite a bit to the total time to paint something.

I also remembered to write down the colors I used in case I add onto the army so the new ones will match the ones I've already painted.  I don't plan on adding on but it doesn't take much to do this and it isn't a bad habit to get into when painting armies.  I think I need to go back and write down what I used on the other figures but since they're in full armor and a more limited palette it should be easy enough.

I'm really hoping to have these guys done by the end of the week but life has a way of interfering.  We all know this.  I want these done more quickly so I can spend more time on the sergeant, as it should be.  I have an idea for something on his cloak and that will take some real painting attention, not like a normal cloak.

I've also got a couple of other figures being painted with the colors I'm using here since I hate to waste paint.  So there are even more partially painted figures on my table.  It's kind of fun when suddenly there's a half dozen finished figures because of other projects.  Of course, they're all just cannon fodder for our game but at least they're nicely painted cannon fodder.

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