I did finish up a miniature at paint night (pictures later) and did some work on yet another partially finished one. Rather productive.
I needed a little project to fill the hour or so before I was going to head up to bed. So I thought I would touch up the primer on the last Crusaders. Spray primer doesn't always get in all the nooks and crannies. I did. I also used some craft paint to finish up the back of a terrain piece but that's a different story.
I still had some time so I gave in and started painting the archers. There's only two of them and they're completely different from the other grunts in that they're not in full armor. So, I have to think about more colors.
Right now I would say I'm maybe 1/4 done with them. The undergarment is done. The tunic skirt is done. The overtunic is done. Sounds like a lot but they're pretty easy. I still have a lot of fiddly bits like the straps to paint up.
I was able to use some of the paints on other primed figures. The warm grey from the tunic skirt is on the hose of a court figure. The khaki brown from the undergarment is on the scabbards on my half-orc. I like using up paint and that's why I have so many partially painted miniatures. I'll have some extra on the palette and slap it on a convenient mini. Then it sits until I have more paint that will work or I just give in and finish the thing.
Total painting time invested tonight - about an hour. I don't count the primer touchups since that's prep work.
I tried taking some quick pictures but the lighting was way wrong. These are primed black so they really need good light to get a decent picture while most of it is unpainted.
I'm not 100% on the colors so far. The warm grey skirt with the ultramarine overtunic is a bit of a contrast but then again maybe that's what is going to work. We'll find out, now won't we?
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