Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tonight I will prime

Come heck or high water ..  Wait.  High water would mean humidity.  Humidity means no priming.

So, just come heck.

I just want to get those last pieces from my elf army primed so they're all done and I can have them ready for when I can paint.

I have four figures to finish up from an exchange first then I can settle on a color scheme and slap paint.  On my army.  Not just slap the paint.  That serves no purpose.

I painted and inserted the door to the magic shop. Now I just need to decide if I'm going to fix the furnishings in place of have them loose so I can set things up as I please.  I'm not sure.  I need to discuss this with the person who started me on building a village and see what he's doing.

I'm torn.  I would like to have things so they stay where I put them but I would also like to be able to use them in other situations.  I'm probably going to leave them loose.  But don't take that one to the bank.

Pictures of the magic shop when I have the rest of it done.  I have a scale to make, signage to hang and landscaping to do.  Then the shop is done and I can turn my attention to the mage's workshop above.

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