So. I had someone contact me about joining the game. We met up. She seemed like she would fit in nicely and wanted to play. So she rolled herself up:
Half-elf Cleric
I did NOT try to push her into the cleric class. She was looking for something that had magic and also could fight. That's a cleric. She hasn't told me what deity she's a cleric of yet since we got into the basics of the character and she was going to finish it on her own. As she should.
That brought me to a full table! Yippee skippy! Five players which is enough to have them do interesting things.
I had thought long and hard about the player that wanted to be a lesser aasimar. I looked over the stats many times and decided against allowing the race.
The sidebar only showed up in the FR Players Guide and didn't make it into the Campaign Setting. That told me someone had a change of heart between the two. If it's ever a choice between books I'll go with the newer, more complete one over what was put out earlier.
I sent him an email with my reasons and asked him to get in touch with me so we could discuss it. I didn't hear from him and my plan was to send out a reminder email this week.
Instead I get an email through Meetup that he set his RSVP to No. This also took out his friend since that guy was his guest and it seems like they're joined at the hip for gaming. That removed both of the druids from the game. I also lost someone who spent waaaaay too much time reading the books and knowing all the little ways to twist things to their advantage.
I have another person who joined the game through Meetup and we're supposed to (ha ha) meet up this week so he can start his character creation. I know it would be easier to have them do the basic stat roll methods but I want to talk to him and meet him before saying "Yes. Join this game!". And I want him to decide he wants to be in it as well.
So the problem is I'm currently at three players, only two confirmed. I don't know if that's enough to start a campaign. There's a nibble from someone in a Facebook group and I messaged him to see if he's really interested. He's never played 3.5 but it seems like the group is currently comprised of people unfamiliar with the version.
I sent out an email to the three people who are still interested to get their thoughts on where the game stands. I also asked them if they had any friends who might be interested in joining if they want to up the numbers.
So it's looking like my game is going down in flames. This bothers me because of all the whining about finding games and the scarcity of GMs but when I try to get a game going I end up with flakes.
Yes. I know this could be considered a reflection on my GM style but since they're all dropping out before the game even starts I'm putting it down to differences in what we want from the game. I'm very up front about what I do as a GM so there shouldn't be any surprises there.
I'm not happy with the guy who started organizing it dropping out because I wouldn't let him play some corner case race, all because he wanted the +2 to Wisdom. I consider it rude. I may have dodged another bullet or two by them leaving.
If you're keeping track this is how it's gone for the last two weeks:
4 players
3 players
4 players
5 players
3 players
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