No pictures - the camera isn't here right now. Yes I know. Lame excuse.
My painting has been put off to the side due to some vision problems. Some very, very annoying vision problems. But they seem to be clearing up so that's good.
I did take the time to put the drawer fronts and knobs on the cabinet units that are going behind the counter in my magic shop. Three units, 15 drawers each. I'm still not quite sure how the final painting is going to go but I did the cabinet base color as 'goose feather'. It's a kind of tan. Everything goes with tan.
I just picked up a media player last week or so and have been trying to see if I can use it to watch/listen to movies while working on my craft table. Overall it seems possible but I have to find a way to keep the player at the right angle so I can actually see the movies when I look up. Probably another Hirst Arts build in my near future.
My buddy James over at Skullcrafts sent me a box of basing goodness that showed up at my door this week. I took the 'Mystery Box' with me to paint night (it was delivered that day) and we all got to dig through the packing peanuts to see what was inside. There was quite an interesting selection of supplies. My mind is churning through how I'm going to use them for my next project. Well, and for any of my projects.
I didn't want to sit idle because I couldn't paint minis so I finally started painting a Hirst Arts gothic arena that I'm sending off to a friend. I have about 2/3 of the thing built but none of it painted. So I put the base coat on about 10 pieces. The base coat always takes the longest since I keep finding white spots that need paint. Eventually I just give up and try not to see them any more. I'm at that stage now.
I'm making the decorative arena pieces for him. He already has the basic arena so these will add to his set. That means painting in the same colors as his first set. I'm using craft paints instead of my normal latex but it isn't turning out too badly for me. I actually like the base color he has (pewter grey - kind of a greenish-grey) and may have a quart mixed up using color matching. I used that on a small fieldstone piece and really liked the effect.
Ooo! I can show you something!
I'm part of a miniature exchange on the Reaper forums. An exchange works like this:
- Someone decides to coordinate an exchange.
- People sign up to paint a mini for someone else.
- Coordinator sends out assignments.
- Paint the mini, send it to your
victim partner.
You don't know who is painting for you since it isn't the same person you're painting for. Very fun stuff.
Well, these darn vision problems have kept me from finishing the mini for my partner. I messaged her and she's good with holding off until I can finish it decently. She only really has display minis (I like to check out what my partner posts on the forums so I can decide what mini to paint) so I decided to make a display base for her mini. That's beyond the requirement but I thought it would be cool.
She took me up on the offer to see the work in progress shots I have. Currently I've shown them off to a few people but haven't posted them for general consumption. Now I can post them here.
You can see under the winding stairway to the sacks and Mr. Rat having a snack here. Stair support is just scribed balsa stained with Reaper Pro Paint Wood Shading Ink. Very handy stuff.
You can see the stairway here with the view of Mr. Rat.
And finally here's the mini temporarily tacked into place just so I could take a picture. This mini has been nothing but a pain in my, err, side. I needed to remove him from his base so he would fit on the stairs. He lost a foot in the first attempt. A friend of mine took pity and sent me one with the base removed. And then his staff broke just in front of his hand while I was painting. I wasn't even being particularly mean to him! Got that fixed then my eyes went.
What's not showing here is a lantern on the floor in a puddle of oil. And a lantern hanger on the center column. Kind of setting the scene. My feeling is that Mr. Rat is going to get zotted in very short order.
That's the fieldstone I painted in that pewter grey. Then I did more to it so I could get the colored fieldstone. I'm 2/3 done with a tutorial for that.
Overall I'm pleased with the composition of the mini. I think it tells a story when you look at it as a whole.
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