I have the compressor, the moisture trap/pressure regulator, the AIR HOSE, and all the air brushes where I can find them. The compressor et al is also set up where I think it's going to be when I'm using it.
The space for the booth has a piece of foamcore on it as a base for the photo tent/spray booth when it arrives. The turntable for inside the booth is sitting in a box but I can find it easily enough.
I haven't done any airbrushing because:
1 - It's been too freaking cold.
2 - Housework was needed.
3 - 3D printing.
That will change this week since the temperature is going up and the housework is getting done. About the 3D printing...
3D Printing
I was completely sick of printing grey and printing dungeon pieces. Printing grey dungeon pieces was excruciating. Therefore I took the holiday to print some stuff that wasn't grey and wasn't dungeon pieces.
I properly labeled all the test prints (low poly cats) with the brand and color of each one. I have the start of a filament cat army on the windowsill.
I also printed up useful stuff like a grip for painting miniatures, a clipper for filament (it has to be cut at an angle to be loaded), and a new case for the Raspberry Pi media server. I printed in colors! Pretty, pretty colors.
I also put up the last long shelf on the adjustable spacers and filled it with .. filament! That got the worst of it out of double rows under the printers. I also lowered the short shelf one notch so it fits all the types of boxes I have. That helps. A little.
3D Printer Repair
Absolutely nothing was done on this since the board is still in transit. It got to spend new year's eve in Germany but now it's on it's way here. It's still showing tomorrow as the delivery date but we'll see if that happens.
Since the order is a decent amount I need to sign for it. I certainly hope it shows up early because I was kind of planning on going to the post office and to the craft store after work. But if I'm waiting on the delivery that gets postponed.
Once the board is here I can restart the upgrade process and hopefully have it running by the weekend. That will be more grey dungeon pieces being printed but for a shorter period of time. Win some, lose some.
I'm still on the fence here. A big incentive for me is gone since there won't be a Chessex dice booth there. High cost and low profit were the owner's reasons for not showing up and those are perfectly valid. But I have a long shopping list and now I need to think about why I would go besides running my games.
BTW - the vendor list is currently almost empty. As in most of the spaces are showing as Available. If they haven't updated the website that's not a good sign. If that's true it's not a good sign.
My events are still showing as free even though it was supposed to be fixed a month ago. Their dashboard shows them at the correct price, the event ticket buying site shows them as free. I'm letting them work it out. Their systems are not my concern.
I'm giving it a few weeks to see how sales go. If it gets within a couple of weeks of the convention and there's very low or no ticket sales then I'm going to cancel. I know, I know. I committed to running the games. But if there's no one choosing to sign up then I won't be running games. I'll be sitting next to a table being bored. And having to pay for the privilege since I don't know if they reimburse for events that had no players. Actually I don't know their full badge reimbursement policy - commit to run the games or actually have enough players?
We're not going there.
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