Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My first sculpts - dragons

There's an artist that makes 'dice dragons' and they're darn cute.  They're very much chibi in style and while that's not my kind of thing the dragons have potential.  They're also a simple style and the artist was kind enough to post a YouTube video on making them.  So I had a step-by-step tutorial on making the basic figure.

I had to get past my "I can't sculpt" mental block.  It took a while and once I started I found that I could do this.  I could sculpt!

Blue Dragon 2d6 - 01

This was my first dragon.  I learned a lot from him, mostly in terms of body size.  He's longer than I wanted but hey, it was my first one.

The wings need to be pre-baked before adding the membrane and I didn't want to haul out the toaster oven so I made a second one using the experience from the first one.

Blue Dragon d20 - 01

As you can see I got the scale better.  I still have work to do on refining things like the spine spikes and all the horns.  I think I need to leech the clay for those so they're not as droopy.  The front legs are also thinner than I want them to be.  I don't know if I want to paint irises on the eyes or not either.

After saying everything that's wrong I still think they're cute.

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