Monday, December 3, 2012

Painting little ships is .. different

Sorry - no pictures just yet.  I'm not ready to post progress.  I do have a reputation to uphold after all.

I'm still working on the Spartan Games Dystopian Wars Covenant of Antarctica frigates and I'm using them as a test of the color scheme and how to paint the things.  Already I'm finding out what details are important to paint and which ones aren't.  So I've "wasted" a fair amount of time painting bits that I'm now painting over.  Learning experience, right?

That's why I started with the group of frigates.  They're small enough that they'll get lost in the mass of ships and painting a set of them lets me see how it all works.  I'm not exactly happy with them but not unhappy enough to strip and start over.

I think the color scheme is going to work well once I get through the process.  I'm going with blue-white (to match the faction flag) and I'm trying something new to me.  I have a light blue that is both the darkest color for the white and the lightest color for the blue.  I don't think I can get much more coordinated than that.

By the way - silver rivets on white are NOT worth the effort.  I shall not be making that effort/mistake on the rest of them.

Once this army is done I picked up a Russian Coalition one.  If I match their flag I'll be painting red and black.  Two difficult colors I would never use in an army.  Or a navy.  Or an air force.  We all know I'll find a way to work them in at least as accent colors but geez.  Red and black?

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