Monday, June 18, 2012

I've been such a slacker

I know there's a bunch of stuff I need to do for this blog.  Most of it centers around terrain.

So far the list is:

  • Create instructions and pictures for making my modular dungon

  • Write the dungeon crawl convention/single play rules.  (I received permission from the original designer to make a 'fan based' version.)

  • Write the dungeon crawl convention/single play PVP rules.  Yep.  Two sets of adventurers.

  • Write a whole lotta tutorials on faux stone painting.  I have 10 on my list.  I'm waiting on some smooth floor tiles from Naloomi's Workshop since they're the best thing I've found for the tutorials.

  • Other stuff I've probably forgotten.

Bear with me and I'll get these done.  Eventually.

Let me know if there's anything else you've seen me make for terrain and you're interested in knowing how.


  1. Utterly off topic for this post, but, I've begun playing GURPS, which means order a hex mold from A&K, which means everything I learned about basing on flat tiles (and all the wonderful variety of smooth, fieldstone, granite, worn, etc, is not an option at the moment). Have you done any work with hexagon bases or seen any good basic patterns for modular dungeons, etc, on them?

  2. I haven't used the A&K hex mold but I'll download the SketchUp components and give it some thought. I haven't played on a hex mat in a while so I don't remember the configurations off the top of my head.

  3. I used the A&K Hexagulons and it's pretty good stuff. They put in some angle bits so it's fairly easy to align the hex part with square edges. The only trick is making the wall lengths match the hexes ...

    ... hey, Rastl, I am greatly pleased to see you back in the workshop, if only for doing a little here and there.
