I've got a variety of unconnected updates so I'll just use Rob's Bullet Method(tm).
- I'm a complete painting slacker. My arena pieces and the leezards are just sitting on the paint table collecting dust.
- My friend is making a swing lamp holder like the Illinois painting group uses (which he also made) so there's a good chance of getting decent light at paint night soon.
- My friend likes to over-engineer so there's glue, epoxy and wood screws in the swing lamp holder.
- Thanks George.
- My hope is that better light at paint night will bring in more painters. And help the ones that show up all the time improve their skills. Everyone can always improve their skills.
- I'm a communication junkie. I've been corresponding with a few people and when I don't have at least one e-mail waiting for me in the morning I get sad.
- Overhead lights + halogen floor lamp + iron set on high = room gets hot.
- I've been sewing. Check out the FashionAeons blog over to your right if you're at all interested.
- Roomba is modified but the battery hasn't liked the on again-off again usage. New battery is in the mail.
- I have absolutely zero willpower when it comes to new hobby tools and fabric stores. None. Nada. Zip.
- The new version of Reaper's Warlord rules is at the printer and I need to rebalance my demo armies.
- Math is hard.
- Planning has started for this year's RastlCon.
- I need to redesign the RastlCon website. I'll probably go WordPress.
- I got additional XP in our last game because of role playing. I guess I need to start drinking early every game!
- I might go to the renaissance faire in costume if one of my friends wants to go that way.
- I need to find my old renaissance faire costume.
- I hope I still fit into my old renaissance faire costume.
- This year is the 25th anniversary of the Court at the renaissance faire. I was in Court for 5 years. Odds-on money is that I'm not contacted/invited.
- I want to try learning to use the roller blades I bought for my first midlife crisis again.
- I'm afraid to try learning to use the roller blades I bought for my first midlife crisis again.
- My friend Kris is responsible for me wanting to try to learn to use the roller blades I bought for my first midlife crisis again.
- Thanks Kris.
- I was able to get rid of some of my enormous stash of foamcore recently.
- I plan on dumping some of the remaining foamcore at the gaming store.
- I'll need more foamcore after I reduce my stash.
- I have no current plans to make anything with foamcore but I know I won't have enough when I do.
- I have too many hobbies.
- I have too many projects started.
- I will probably start a new project yet this month.
I could probably go on but that's enough for now,