I was going to LOLcat the subject but decided against it. Mostly for my own dignity.
I'm trying to get back into the groove of building and painting. I completely slacked for about a week now and getting back into the mindset isn't proving very easy.
Here's my current list of rationalizations. Enjoy.
- I don't want to dig out my mini paints just to have to pack them back up for Wednesday paint night.
- I don't want to work on new arena pieces until I've finished the ones I've started.
- I don't have enough bricks to keep building my own arena now.
- I don't have time to do casting, even though I have the materials upstairs.
- I keep getting started late, which limits how much I can reasonably accomplish,
I think that's a pretty darn good list of rationalizations, don't you?
Having said that I heaved a large sigh and did some actual work tonight with the time left to me. I did get started late. Then I just stared at the stuff on my paint table for a good 10 minutes. But I did paint a few things.
The doors to the arena are painted. I want to put some tougher paint-on acrylic varnish on those since they seem to take more of a beating.
I cleaned up the accent paint on three mostly painted pieces and started on the accent paint on one more. I also put the base coat on some areas I missed on two other pieces.
So for those keeping track. that's 6 completed doors (sans varnish); 3 arena pieces waiting on gold paint; 2 arena pieces that need stonework drybrushing and all accent paint, and 1 arena piece with partial accent paint.
The rest of the arena is 99.9% built. There's these little finials that go on a few of the pieces and I never seem to have enough of them. So I need to dig through the casts from the two molds that have the piece and see if I have enough to finish this up. If not I will be casting more. And I always epoxy them on instead of regular glue because they take as much if not more abuse than the doors. Actually they tend to get 'pinged' off unless they're firmly attached. I can fix one of Mr. Rastl's decorative shower curtain hooks while I have epoxy mixed up as well.
My own arena is progressing slowly but steadily. I've glued most of the floor sections that I have cast even though I'm torn on using raised plaster pieces or just patterned felt. I can keep making the floors anyway. I'm working more on the basic arena set rather than the decorative one since it's a lot easier and I had the pieces for that one sitting in the bin. So now I've used up some of the specialized ones and need to cast more. See rationalization above.
And this month I really want to get that Razig demo army painted up. I put it off last month since I knew I wouldn't have time but I need to make progress or I'll never get to demo the game much less practice for the tournament at ReaperCon.
Finally, I won't be able to make the convention in Indy this month. Without getting into uninteresting details Mr. Rastl is having a small surgical procedure and I rather need to be around. Timing is everything.
Don't worry about it.Mary Poppins said it herself.HALF DONE IS WELL BEGUN.I should know. I has lots of well-begun projects glaring at me from the "shelf" too.