Monday, November 27, 2023

What's On The Horizon


So, what's on the horizon for me? I'm setting up to stream! I'm joining all the cool kids and streaming stuff. Or at least that's the plan.

I'm not a great painter. I know that. I'm fine with it. I like to say my painting level is 'high tabletop', two bronze medals notwithstanding. And people seem to enjoy watching people just paint. There's plenty of stuff out there where people are teaching how to do things or painting a specific figure. Those are fine.

My plan is to stream my everyday painting and natter away while I do. The intention behind it is to be social without having to be physically social.

I'm one of those people who's only happy when painting in my area. I don't like to paint at game stores, etc. I like my area. I know where everything is. I have all my paints at hand. I have all my additives and mediums. I have a whole lotta paint brushes for different functions. I have my setup. But it gets lonely.

I could have other people over to paint but moving from my nest to the table to be with them means all my stuff is in one place and I'm in the other. It's not as bad as being out of the house but it's still over there. Imagine me making a vague gesture in a direction and you'll have the full effect of that last sentence.

For now I'm going to see if streaming gets me the combination of being in my safe place and being moderately social. I also think that it might make people more interested to watch someone who's not one of the fancy high level ones and who only teaches what I'm doing at the moment. Even that's more of a commentary than a lesson.

This could end up being me shouting into the void. So many things end up that way. But it doesn't take much for me to give it a try and see if I'm right about finding some like minded souls.

I know I'm not going to get thousands of followers. If I do I'll be very confused. But if I can make it so some other people who only paint in the privacy of their home can have virtual company then I'm doing all right.

I'll post the information when I get streaming set up. The intent is to try to paint at regular times and put out notices on various social media platforms that it's going to happen. Then it's a matter of finding the times when people can join me. I'm lucky that I can adjust for time zones more easily than most other people and I'll take full advantage of that.

So. Wish me luck!

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