Sunday, February 3, 2019

I Designed and Printed Something!

Ok. It's not going to be amazing. That much I can promise. But it's something neat.

My friend painted the two (very large) new monsters for my dungeon crawl. She's such a sweetie! She used bases she had on hand that fit the monsters which is fine.

She used round bases. I use square bases. Hrm. This is a problem. At least for me it's a problem.

OpenSCAD to the rescue! If you don't want to click the link it's a text based CAD program. It's great for learning how all this works and for making pretty much anything. All the plastic parts for my printer were designed in it. And I understand words a lot better than menu commands at the moment.

I wanted a square base with a cutout for the round base. I'd done similar things. So now it was time to do it again.

Meet Carol, the carrion crawler. Actually she's a cavern crawler from Reaper Miniatures due to IP stuff. And yes. That's a metal mini so it's darn heavy.

You can see her round base fitting very nicely into the square base. A bit of double sided tape and she'll be secure enough. And I can remove her from the adapter if I want a round base.

I did the same thing with the hydra. I'll post pictures of him some other time.

It doesn't sound like much of a design challenge and it wasn't since I've been playing around in OpenSCAD for a while. But it's so nice to be able to design something you need and then make it. AND have it work!

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