Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dystopian Wars - Covenant of Antarctica

This isn't all of the ships I have painted but it's all I have pictures of at this time.  I wanted to get SOME of them posted.  I'll deal with taking pictures of the rest later.


Frigates (aka guppies)

Plato Cruiser (aka - everyone's favorite target for some unknown reason)
Plato Cruiser

Zeno Cruiser
Zeno Cruiser




  1. Hey great paint job! What paints did you use? I love this color scheme and would like to use it on my CoA miniatures.

  2. Thanks! I like it too since it's a pretty clean scheme.

    I can't fine the color reference card right now but here is what I remember.

    Prime white

    Vallejo White
    Reaper Sky Blue
    Reaper Gamma Shielding Gold
    Reaper Brown Wash
    Reaper Marine Teal (for where the Sturginium shows up)

    I used mostly Reaper because I have Reaper. The Vallejo is a really good neutral white with great coverage.

    I washed all the gold with brown to take down the color a bit.

    Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
