Sunday, August 29, 2021

I Forgot to Post This

I took pictures of this and meant to post it. But, of course, I didn't.

Yes. I know they've been done many many times but I wanted one. This isn't the original file I downloaded. I modified it to put a more secure bar across the 'back' and remove the printed dome in the lower left corner. By the time I got around to making the picture anonymous for posting the original file had been deleted. So I forgot about it again until a Twitter post reminded me.

I did get my second jab on schedule so obviously this was taken between the two. I'm responsible enough to get vaccinated even if I'm not so good on posting pictures of things.

The dome is a glass piece meant for some kind of jewelry. It makes the final result unwieldy enough that I wouldn't want to carry it around a lot but looks darn cool. The glass is clear. I put a piece of tinfoil under it then mixed yellow paint with white (PVA) glue to make the color. So it looks perfect from the top but can have different amounts of yellow based on the viewing angle.

The white and red are printed. The yellow bar is a piece of filament firmly glued into the piece (that was my mod since the original file had a very shallow indent) and looking at it I'm wondering if I should have used a more opaque yellow or if that's the most opaque pure yellow I have. Regardless I'm not printing another.

I cut a piece of clear plastic the same size as the vaccine card so not only does it fit tighter into the slot but it also protects the card from wear. This isn't my first rodeo in making badge/card protectors. I used a transparency sheet meant for inkjet printers for the plastic. That stuff is handy for far more than inkjet prints, in case you were wondering.

Funny thing. I showed this to my neighbor and they told their family about it. Later on they asked if I would make one for each member of their family but with their initials instead of the dome. Since I'd already remove it to a flat surface it wasn't difficult to make new bottom files with the initials. They chose the colors for each person and I went to work.

I know that the rectangles no longer conform to the prop standard but they do alternate so that they are aesthetically more pleasing to me. There are end clips that go with them but they don't add anything to the pictures. I cut more plastic and handed them all over to the neighbor. I was told the family is pleased.

As a total suckup I made one for my boss. I experimented with using yellow ink in the glue layer instead of yellow paint. It didn't work as expected. The ink mixed well with the glue but as it set it moved to the edges of the glass blob. I'm thinking that's because there's some space there and the glue rose up, along with the lighter ink. It didn't bother me enough to pull it out and try again. I don't like my boss that much.

I don't plan on making them for anyone else. They're all over Etsy for those who want to buy them. It's why I don't sell on Etsy. All the designs that have mass market appeal are where the mass market can buy them. It was fun to do for myself. It was a nice thing to do for the neighbors. It was a political move for me to do for my boss.

Update - The original design just moved platforms. I've published mine on all the ones where I have accounts.