I just moved this blog from my website to here because I don't need a website. It used to be that way but now not so much.
I've gone through and weeded out the non gaming posts and will make sure I've done that. I may edit some others to take out parts that are irrelevant.
I DO need to fix the pictures here. They never really worked after the first migration off Vox (anyone else remember when that was a blogging site?) and I never got around to fixing that. It's going to be tedious but it's also going to be a trip down memory lane.
Going forward this will be a gaming blog. Playing games and making stuff for games. My personal life isn't going to be on here, I won't rant here, I won't be posting about things other than gaming. A lot of the same pictures will be on Facebook so even if you're not checking here you should see them if you're in the same groups as me.
I hope to be posting more!