I only get presents if I buy them for myself. That's the way it goes. I decided that I didn't need anything this year so I wasn't planning on anything.
Having said that it seems like I bought myself some early presents. The guys here have been playing Dystopian Wars and I figured I might as well get an army and give it a shot. My present to myself is the rulebook and an army. Yes, another army to paint.
I've been wanting to paint up vehicles and this is the perfect game to do that. I'll have to see if there are canon color schemes or if I can just have fun.
This might also be a chance for me to play with my airbrush. I've got some 40K vehicles that could benefit from it as well. And maybe some Litko bases since I'll have it set up.
I believe this makes army #5 in need of paint. And my dungeon crawl minis.