Sorry - no pictures right now. Nothing really picture-worthy at this point.
I did base up some of the 15mm so they would be safe and take up less room. Unfortunately the basing glue and flock shrank oddly so now I have to figure out how to fix it. I'm still trying to figure that out since I'll need to make sure the rest of the army matches. And there's no way to remove the minis from the base and start over.
I have over 100 minis prepped for my revised dungeon crawl but none of them are painted. I canceled my games and my classes for the convention over Labor Day. With everything going on there was no way for me to be ready enough to give value to the people who signed up. So I'll bow out this time and try to get things going for the convention in February.
I feel bad about canceling my painting classes because the only other person teaching a number of classes also had to bow out for work. There's a slim chance he can make it but he's not counting on it. A few people have offered to pick up his classes. The coordinator is thinking of not having any painting classes this year because of the two of us canceling.
Why did I back out of everything? Honestly, no time or inclination to prep. I did build the additional wall sections for the dungeon but haven't painted them. I prepped almost all the minis I could (missing bits and pieces for 8 of them) and they're ready to be painted. I just have zero motivation to sit down and paint them.
I haven't worked up the new rules, the new tables, the new treasures or anything else for the dungeon crawl. I certainly haven't play tested it.
I'm pushing the reason off on work since that really is taking up more of my time but I think there's more to it than that. I don't plan on going to the con at all, honestly. I have no reason to go. When the only thing I do is run games and teach classes then go home it's hard to look forward to it.
Otherwise not too much happening in the hobby world for me. Our local game store was seized by the state for back taxes so we have no home. A group of people is trying to get the capital and business plan together to open a new store with a new name in the same location. But that's not certain and there's no dates. What little interaction I had with the game club is going to be much more difficult as they move around the game stores for different days.
My gaming group hasn't met since April. I don't miss it all that much. I didn't get the time to try and fit it plus this was a group that has been playing together for about a decade. Very difficult to mesh. That and trying to get used to how the GM runs his game made things hard for me to relax and enjoy.
The 40K hasn't interested me at all. I think the pressure of wanting to get the dungeon crawl minis done killed a lot of motivation to paint at all. They're off to the side so I don't need to see them. Except for the ones still in the process of being assembled or waiting for parts. I cleaned off the paint table pretty well. That started when my friend came over to paint one evening and I needed to make room. Then as part of a "tidy up" mood I worked on cleaning off more and generally cleaning up the hobby area. It's pretty bare now.
I still have 15mm to paint but the problem with basing the ones I did have painted has discouraged me. I know I'll figure out how to make it better but expecting 6 nicely finished stands of minis and getting what I got didn't help the entire situation.
So yes. Things are going on but there's not a lot of progress to show. Maybe I'll post some pics when I have something to show.