I want to start running demos, events and just plain games using the Reaper Warlord system. So I need demo armies to keep the ham-fisted gamers away from my personal armies and to have readily available balanced demo forces. As an official Reaper demo person I get points for running events. I can then spend those points to get stuff. Like figures for demo armies.
I may have already noted this but I'm not known for going back to read old posts.
My demo armies each have two troops - one with a sergeant and troops, one with a monster. So that's a total of 10 figures to paint for each demo army. Not too bad, that's doable.
I'm starting with Crusaders since that's not one of my personal armies and I didn't have the color scheme set for the ones I did get. So, start with the oddballs.
I've been taking pictures of each step of the painting process, mostly to keep me going and also to show off and hopefully inspire others to paint stuff. It takes more time on my part since I have to stop to take pictures after each step but that's not too bad.
I'm not doing the typical 'base coat, dry brush, call it done' painting. I've tried it and I just don't like it. So I'm doing a basic tabletop paint job on them.
Without further ado, the pictures.
This dude has the brown paint on his legs. Everything was painted dark brown. The chain mail, the leg armor and the boots.
A bit more shiny. The leg armor has been painted gold. There will be tiny hotspots of bright silver on that when I'm done with everything else but for now it's good.
Everything left that is chain mail, armor or attached leather (like gloves) is that same dark brown. I need to buy another bottle of that. This gives me a nice warm brown undercoat to everything. That same dark brown base coat sucked all the light out of the picture. And I'm not savvy enough in Photoshop to make it lighter. Hopefully by the time I get to the finished figures my new low-class light box will be color corrected out of the yellow band and I can take better, more accurate, pictures.
That's as far as I go right now. There's four of these types of figures that are all getting painted at once. I'm trying to find the time to get at least one step done per night if I can. Hopefully this weekend I'll get them all the way to the fabric parts.
A note on the gold armor. The only reason for this is that one of my other demo armies is dudes in plate armor. So to make sure they stand apart on the table this faction gets gold armor. That will make it easier to identify who is whom.